Disappearing Weed (8.15.14)
(Lights rise on a magician, dressed in regular street clothes. His name is GAVIN. He is not white. Enter an OFFICER. He is white)
GAVIN: Hey Officer.
OFFICER: Salutations. (beat) Wait a second. You look familiar. Have I seen you before? Have you done something bad before?
GAVIN: Not unless you count doing magic for hundreds of adoring families as something bad.
OFFICER: Oh! Right! You're that magician…uh--
GAVIN: Gavin McCourt.
OFFICER: Gavin McCourt. Hey, can you show me any tricks?
GAVIN: Ok. Um. (beat) I'm good, Officer.
GAVIN: I said, I'm good, Officer.
OFFICER: I'm confused. I didn't ask who you were.
GAVIN: Nah man. I said I'm gooood.
(A silence)
OFFICER: Son, what are you trying to say?
GAVIN: I got the goods. It's only like, an eighth. But.
OFFICER: Wait a second--is that? (beat) Son, you're in a heap of trouble now.
(Gavin closes his hand and Officer grabs his wrist. Then, Gavin opens his wrist and the weed is gone)
GAVIN: Wait. Where'd it go?
OFFICER: That's it, son.
(He pins Gavin against the wall and aggressively searches him)
OFFICER: C'mon. Where is it. Where is it.
(He lets him go)
GAVIN: It's gone, officer. I'm a magician, remember?
(A silence. Officer is not amused. Gavin laughs)
GAVIN: Don't you get it? That was the trick. (beat) C'mon man. It was just a joke. It wasn't even real pot. It's fake.
(Officer takes his club and beats Gavin. Hard)
GAVIN: Ow--man--stop!
(He beats Gavin's face in. Blood everywhere. While Gavin is down on the ground, the Officer arrests him and then speaks into his radio)
OFFICER: APB. We have an (insert the race/ethnicity of actor playing Gavin) with intent to sell marijuana and possession. Over.
(Sudden blackout)
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