Post-Orange Thoughts...
Even though my blog post below would have probably made you guess my reading turned out to be a disaster in spite of all my hardships, it all worked out beautifully. The positive response and support from those at the Gay Activists' Alliance at Morris County was overwhelming. Even though these shows are very hard to put together, the support is well-worth it (I was even compared to John Waters - one of my favorite directors/idols, which was awesome!!). I have said to many I think this might be my last show in the area for a while but next time around, if I manage to snag a stage manager to help me schedule and plan then I would definitely consider it.
Anyway, this was a huge step in my journey to get "Orange Ya Glad I Didn't Say Banana?" published. All that needs to happen now is someone needs to do a fully staged production and it will have enough credits to be sent to a publishing house (two readings and a community theatre/college production should be enough to show that this is a legit show) which will hopefully happen by the time I graduate. Who knows.
I was also blessed in that even though I had to fill in for a role, my cast was so cooperative and amazing to work with and are all incredibly talented and I could not have done it without them. Thanks so much to George Adamo, Elaine D'Addezio, Victoria Spadaccini, David Kligman, Sam Higgs, Katie McGee and Megan McGee. I should also take this time to thank those who were involved in the previous incarnation of "Orange Ya Glad": Lauren Mesagno, Mary Cheung, Nicole Colchete and Leah Gonzalez (and our audience of one - J Pulitano). I would also thank Justin Boes for his inspiration as to how to end this play, Dan Roeder for his moral support, and those in my creative writing class senior year where I first wrote "Bombing Urban Outfitters". All of you have been such an important part of this process and I cannot give enough thanks.
You can watch the video footage on the Youtubes here and below are some pictures. As you would imagine, this has put me behind on my 31 plays/31 days challenge - but I'll catch up :D
Thanks everyone. I love you all. xoxo
Anyway, this was a huge step in my journey to get "Orange Ya Glad I Didn't Say Banana?" published. All that needs to happen now is someone needs to do a fully staged production and it will have enough credits to be sent to a publishing house (two readings and a community theatre/college production should be enough to show that this is a legit show) which will hopefully happen by the time I graduate. Who knows.
I was also blessed in that even though I had to fill in for a role, my cast was so cooperative and amazing to work with and are all incredibly talented and I could not have done it without them. Thanks so much to George Adamo, Elaine D'Addezio, Victoria Spadaccini, David Kligman, Sam Higgs, Katie McGee and Megan McGee. I should also take this time to thank those who were involved in the previous incarnation of "Orange Ya Glad": Lauren Mesagno, Mary Cheung, Nicole Colchete and Leah Gonzalez (and our audience of one - J Pulitano). I would also thank Justin Boes for his inspiration as to how to end this play, Dan Roeder for his moral support, and those in my creative writing class senior year where I first wrote "Bombing Urban Outfitters". All of you have been such an important part of this process and I cannot give enough thanks.
You can watch the video footage on the Youtubes here and below are some pictures. As you would imagine, this has put me behind on my 31 plays/31 days challenge - but I'll catch up :D
Thanks everyone. I love you all. xoxo
Toby (Sam Higgs) and his Schizo Thoughts (George Adamo, L) and Normal Thoughts (David Kligman, R) in "Schizo Date"
Krista (Megan McGee) with her Schizo Thoughts (half of Elaine D'Addezio, L) and Normal Thoughts (Victoria Spadaccini, R)
Andrea (Megan McGee) and Custard the Clown (Sam Higgs) in "Orange Ya Glad I Didn't Say Banana?"
Toby, Krista and all the Normal and Schizo Thoughts together...
Ms. Goldstein (Katie McGee) holding a tray of latkes in "Bombing Urban Outfitters"
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