The Little Transmaid That Could (8.21.12)

Hey all--

As of right now I am FIVE days behind the challenge. Which sucks. But always seems to happen to me. My goal today is to catch up on all of these plays, so expect a lot of not-so-good plays because I just because I desperately want to catch up.

It's not like I don't have an excuse though. I had to go to the ER because my foot started swelling up for no reason and all of my friends have been coming back to school so I've been spending more time not writing than writing because of that. I am scared once school starts though because then I will be so behind on this challenge it won't even be funny.

So this next play is not very good, I must warn you. It's called "The Little Transmaid That Could" and
it's "A mash-up of The Little Mermaid and the Little Engine That Could in the style of an exploitation film." Hopefully you will enjoy it.

Also, the prompt was to "write a fractured fairy-tale". This prompt was actually designated for August 20th, but I needed to think on it so I just did it for August 21st instead.


If you are interested in viewing this selection, please email orangeyagladplay1(at) I will be happy to pass along any of my writing, free of charge, providing it is not distributed, produced or reprinted without my permission.


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